Saturday, April 18, 2009

Help You TEAM find you Referrals

If you want to get more referrals from people in your network, you have to be able to make it easy for them to find and give those referrals to you. They want to help you, but most will not step out of their comfort zone to make it happen,

Here are 5 things to help you start the process of making it easy;

1. What should they listen out for? When your around people you will hear them complaining or sharing some news. Each of these conversations is an opportunity to develop referrals. What complaint will people hear for you?

2. What visual clue? might we see that would lead us to recommend or refer you? Such as someone who's car has a dent in it and you are an auto body shop owner.

3. Your target market Are there things that I might see that would help me recognize someone as your target market? Example: A motor cycle or boat in a drive way for the insurance agent.

4. What kind of things might be happening that would lead me to believe that someone is in the market for your services? A child being born, and child going to college, or a new business that just opened?

5. Is there an activity that you clients often engage in? Such as running in mini-marathons, jogging, bike riding, working out, skiing, or any number of activities that would help me identify our clients?

The more you can paint a picture for your network members the easier it is going to be for them to help you. Unfortunately, this means that you have to give some thought to what and who you are looking for as clients. Anybody or everybody will not be as effective. Profile you clients and teach your network members how to spot the clues.

"LET ME SUGGEST THIS... Once a month, read one biography, company profile or case study about successful inventors and entrepreneurs. Take notes from the masters. Email me your list of three lessons learned from each and I'll use them in an upcoming article or blog!

The difference between perseverance and obstinacy is that one often comes from a strong will, and the other from a strong won't." - 19th Century Cleric, Henry Ward Beecher

Your action for today is to reflect on whether you have a tendency to be persevering or obstinate.


Hazel Walker said...

Here is Tip #6 How do you want to be referred? Do you want me to pass your card, do an email introduction, face to face meeting, letter of introduction or just a name an phone number. You are in charge of saying how you want to be referred. Remember to ask others, "How do you want to be referred?"

Glenn Kirkwood said...

Hazel raisers an interesting point. HOW.

If you get the chance google Hazel Walker, she is one of the queens of Networking and ALWAYS has great information on her blog