Friday, July 09, 2010

Sponsor Select Events

Tip 27 - Sponsor Select Events
from the book 29% Solution by Dr Ivan Misner and Michelle Donovan

Imagine one day being in charge of putting on a huge event. Suddenly, someone from your network steps forward to offer you a substantial sponsorship because she heard through the grapevine that your event needed money. How would you feel about that person? You can create that same feeling toward yourself in someone else by offering that exact gift. In effect, you're making a tidy "deposit" in your relationship bank account.

Action Step
This week, think of the people in your network. Who is planning an event - a conference, an open house, a 10K fund-raiser - that could use your financial support? To strengthen your relationship with this individual, offer as much help from your business as you can provide.

Quote - "The best way to predict your future is to create it! " - Abraham Lincoln

Your action for today is to spend 15 minutes either writing or thinking about the future you want to create in a particular area of your life.

I good referral for me this week is a bookkeeper looking for more business as we have two chapters in need (Newcastle & Sydney Southwest areas) contact Glenn at

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