Thursday, April 30, 2009

WHY do you refer people?

In a recent article by Kirsty Dunphey she talked about her being surprised at the reason WHY her husband would recommend a particular tattoo artist.

Given her husband's tattoo free stance she was surprised that he would recommend anyone and was keen to find out what was so amazing about this artist's work. Turns out however that her husband wasn't referring him based on his work but on the fact that when a friend of his tried to enter the premises with shoes on he was told to leave and the floor was immediately mopped where he'd walked. The commitment to maintaining a sterile environment had impacted on the person getting the tattoo so much that he had then told it to who knows how many people and that story had impacted on her husband enough for him to pass on the artist's name. It's an unusual referral chain! Who'd have thought a tattoo artist would be getting referred because he was crazy about the clean? I certainly wouldn't have, but his passion for sterility made such an impact that it's become a little bit like urban legend and inspires confidence in respect to safety to those that hear about the story.

This weeks referral tip - Don't tell people what it is you do, give your referral partners success stories they can use when they find you referrals; why should they refer you over your competitors. If you don't know, ask your clients for help - ask them why they come and buy from you. The results may surprise you.

"You can't have a better tomorrow if you are thinking about yesterday all the time." - Inventor, Charles Kettering

Your action for today is to let go of any "should or could haves" and focus on what you will do instead

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Who should you share information with?

This week, I want to share with you a very special and easy tip that has made the MOST impact to my NETWORKING when it comes to growing business relationships.

Next time your reading an interesting article, receive an informative newsletter or see something on line that grabs your attention - ask yourself these questions

- Who can I share this information with?
- Who do I know that would benefit or find the article valuable?
- Who's target market is this aim at?

My business coach Tim Callcott has been doing this for as long as I have known him, no wonder we have grown a strong relationship.

You see, not only are you sharing relevant information with them, you are also letting that person know that you are thinking of them and their business. This is where real relationship are formed - when you know how much they care about your success.

Think You Know Your Business - Click Here

"Ability is what you're capable of, motivation determines what you do, attitude determines how well you do it." - Football Coach, Lou Holtz

Your action for today is to bring the best attitude to your activities today regardless of how you feel.

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Help You TEAM find you Referrals

If you want to get more referrals from people in your network, you have to be able to make it easy for them to find and give those referrals to you. They want to help you, but most will not step out of their comfort zone to make it happen,

Here are 5 things to help you start the process of making it easy;

1. What should they listen out for? When your around people you will hear them complaining or sharing some news. Each of these conversations is an opportunity to develop referrals. What complaint will people hear for you?

2. What visual clue? might we see that would lead us to recommend or refer you? Such as someone who's car has a dent in it and you are an auto body shop owner.

3. Your target market Are there things that I might see that would help me recognize someone as your target market? Example: A motor cycle or boat in a drive way for the insurance agent.

4. What kind of things might be happening that would lead me to believe that someone is in the market for your services? A child being born, and child going to college, or a new business that just opened?

5. Is there an activity that you clients often engage in? Such as running in mini-marathons, jogging, bike riding, working out, skiing, or any number of activities that would help me identify our clients?

The more you can paint a picture for your network members the easier it is going to be for them to help you. Unfortunately, this means that you have to give some thought to what and who you are looking for as clients. Anybody or everybody will not be as effective. Profile you clients and teach your network members how to spot the clues.

"LET ME SUGGEST THIS... Once a month, read one biography, company profile or case study about successful inventors and entrepreneurs. Take notes from the masters. Email me your list of three lessons learned from each and I'll use them in an upcoming article or blog!

The difference between perseverance and obstinacy is that one often comes from a strong will, and the other from a strong won't." - 19th Century Cleric, Henry Ward Beecher

Your action for today is to reflect on whether you have a tendency to be persevering or obstinate.

Relationships and the Dalai Lama

Relationships move both our lives and our businesses forward, closer to our goals. The Dalai Lama put it this way

We human beings are social beings. We come into the world as a result of others' actions. We survive here in dependence on others. Whether we like it or not, there is hardly a moment of our lives when we do not benefit from others' activities. For this reason, it is hardly surprising that most of our happiness arises in the context of relationships with others.

"People seldom improve when they have no other model but themselves to copy after." - Writer and Poet, Oliver Goldsmith

Your action for today is to pick someone who has traits you admire and respect, and try to incorporate something they do in your actions.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Trade Shows

I wanted to share with you some effective tips on how to network a trade show or conference for building your business...

- Make new friends, you're there to network, so get out there.
- Meet the competition, share ideas about the industry.
- Volunteer to speak when you first hear about the conference, get to be know as the EXPERT in your field.
- Be social, people love friendly happy people.

Your name tag is your best friend for several reasons. First of all, a person's name is the single piece of personal information most often forgotten-and people are less likely to approach you if they don't know (or have forgotten) your name.

Second, it's free advertising for you and your company.

Third, name tags encourage people to be friendly and more approachable. Name tags are an inexpensive part of your brand or marketing... but too often people give excuses on why they shouldn't need to wear a name tag: "Name tags look silly." Yes, they do. But, remember, everyone else is wearing one, too. "Name tags ruin my clothes." Not if you wear them on the edge of your lapel, or use cloth-safe connectors, like lanyards and plastic clips. "But I already know everybody." No, you don't. You may think you do, but people join and leave businesses and organisations all the time. "But everyone already knows me." No, they don't. Even the best networkers know there's always someone new to meet.

"Truth, like surgery, may hurt. But it cures." - Writer, Han Suyin

Your action for today is to see if you are avoiding telling someone the truth. What do you think it's costing you and them?