Thursday, April 16, 2009

Trade Shows

I wanted to share with you some effective tips on how to network a trade show or conference for building your business...

- Make new friends, you're there to network, so get out there.
- Meet the competition, share ideas about the industry.
- Volunteer to speak when you first hear about the conference, get to be know as the EXPERT in your field.
- Be social, people love friendly happy people.

Your name tag is your best friend for several reasons. First of all, a person's name is the single piece of personal information most often forgotten-and people are less likely to approach you if they don't know (or have forgotten) your name.

Second, it's free advertising for you and your company.

Third, name tags encourage people to be friendly and more approachable. Name tags are an inexpensive part of your brand or marketing... but too often people give excuses on why they shouldn't need to wear a name tag: "Name tags look silly." Yes, they do. But, remember, everyone else is wearing one, too. "Name tags ruin my clothes." Not if you wear them on the edge of your lapel, or use cloth-safe connectors, like lanyards and plastic clips. "But I already know everybody." No, you don't. You may think you do, but people join and leave businesses and organisations all the time. "But everyone already knows me." No, they don't. Even the best networkers know there's always someone new to meet.

"Truth, like surgery, may hurt. But it cures." - Writer, Han Suyin

Your action for today is to see if you are avoiding telling someone the truth. What do you think it's costing you and them?

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