Monday, October 26, 2009

Be Creative with your PROMOTIONS

If your in small business don't fall prey to the rapid discounting that the big businesses did last year. You can offer seasonal promotions that set your brand apart in a sustainable way, while supporting other local businesses and charitable organisations. For example, last year a men's clothing store in New York - Rothman's, offered its own version of "cash for clunkers" to get the attention of its readers. The promotion invited customers to turn in their old suits, which would be donated to charity, and the customer would get $100 toward a new suit. A similar concept can be used for many other businesses.

If you've got or have heard of another great promotion I would love for you to share it my blog.

For details on how you can attend the biggest NETWORKING EVENT EVER click the event.
Sydney event - Tuesday 10th November ONLY 15 days to go
N'cstle/Cent. Coast event - Thursday 12th November ONLY 17 days to go

"I would rather fail in an attempt to do something new and uncharted than safely succeed in a repeat of something I have done." - Writer, A.E. Hotchner

Your action for today is to do something new. For instance you can order a new dish at a restaurant you frequently visit, get a new style haircut or try a new approach with someone at work.

Friday, October 09, 2009

Negative Feedback - Do you REACT or Listen & Process

Last week I received the worst negative feedback I have not only ever received but ever read. Can I say this - anyone can unsubscribe from my newsletter any time they wish - choice is wonderful and I am OK with your decisions.

My reaction to the email made me wonder - How do we or should we process feedback. My first reaction caused me upset and I was going to react with a response that I am positive I would have regretted later but then I thought about it. This person did me a huge favor, you see many people don't see my vision the way I do "To passionately inspire people to get 100% of their business thru BNI" and I am OK with that. What I realised was that someone elses negative feedback shouldn't take away my focus on the goals that are important to me. I will take onboard the feedback and give it the time it desrves, but I am choosing not to REACT to the whim's of others, just to listen, process and stay on target. How are you goals going? Are you on target or do you let other people throw you curve balls and REACT away from your prize?

I am currently organising an event (see below) that applies all the BNI principle into one FANTASTIC event where participating attendee's can create business on the spot. I hope to see you there as this event is open to everyone looking for extra business.

For details on how you can attend the biggest NETWORKING EVENT EVER click the event.
Sydney event - Tuesday 10th November ONLY 31 days to go
N'cstle/Cent. Coast event - Thursday 12th November ONLY 33 days to go

"I have never let my schooling interfere with my education."Writer, Mark Twain

Your action for today is to try something new and see what you learn from it.

Saturday, October 03, 2009

Act like a HOST vs being a VISITOR

Have you ever noticed how people who organised or run events know everyone attending. Thats because they make it their responsibility too.

Your task this week is to change your responsibility by changing your thinking and adopting a host mentality at the next networking event you attend. Turn up early and meet the people in charge. People who run events love it when people offer to help, so learn the layout and flow of the event. Find out who is expected to attend. Make it your purpose to help others with introductions, even set yourself a goal of introducing at least three people to someone they don't know. The law of reciprocity will kick in, and in the long run you will reap the benefits.

For details on how you can attend the biggest NETWORKING EVENT EVER click the event.
Sydney Big Breakfast - Tuesday 10th November
Newcastle/Central Coast Big Breakfast - Thursday 12th November

"I have never let my schooling interfere with my education." Writer, Mark Twain

Your action for today is to try something new and see what you learn from it.

Tuesday, September 08, 2009

Are you a PLAYER or a POSER

This weeks "Networking Tip" is brought to you by my good friend Tony Bourke, who has just co-authored his first book with such greats as Brian Tracey, Dr Anne Curtis, Dr Wayne Dyer, Liz Vassey, Ernie Hudson, Bill Harris, Zachary Levi and many more. Called "In Service" its a collection of stories of people found their own passion and aided others in the process - very inspirational. If you are looking for inspiration do yourself a favor and get a copy. Tony is donating some of the proceeds to the Cancer Council, now that is a "Givers Gain" attitude. Click here for more details.

After reading Tony's book, it got me thinking. There are a lot of people who say they are going to do more (for someone or some kind of cause) but some how something gets in their way and they never get a round to it. If it continues people begin to see a pattern and they stop relying on you. Then there are those like Tony that say they do something, commit to doing it and then take action. These are the types of people (PLAYERS) you can reply on and when times are tough the very same people are the ones you turn to when you want something done or to buy or people you refer. Action builds trust, and trust is something you want in a referral partner.

A POSER is someone who says they do something for someone but really they are saying it for themselves - they never actually do anything. No one wants to partner with a gunna (gunna do this, gunna do that, they simply don't have the time these days.

So, who do you have on your team, if you have POSER, give feedback and move on. Begin to look out for PLAYERS and when you find them the quickest way to build a realtionship with them to ask "How can I help you" - then do it. Livbe a life like Tony "In Service"

"If I spent as much time doing the things I worry about getting done as I do worrying about doing them, I wouldn't have anything to worry about."TV Show Writer, Beryl Pfizer

Your action for today is to take one of the things you are currently worried about and turn it into an action item.

Friday, August 28, 2009

Tell them, Tell them, Tell them!

Imagine your business as an infinite web of relationships. Every one of your business contacts has the potential to connect you to dozens of other contacts. The relationships are out there, but they'll likely remain out of reach unless you actively pursue them.

It may never occur to your current contacts to broker an introduction. It's up to you to put the idea in their heads. Don't feel sheepish about asking for referrals; there's nothing pushy or smarmy about it. People won't give you referrals unless you deserve them. In fact, getting a referral is the highest compliment you can receive. Let your customers know you prize referrals, which you'll earn by providing excellent quality products and services.

"My therapist told me the way to achieve true inner peace is to finish what I start. So far I've finished two bags of M&M's and a chocolate cake. I feel better already." - Humorist, Dave Barry

Your action for today is to treat yourself to a small indulgence

Thursday, August 20, 2009

How does your team make the connection

It has been a while and I thank everyone for there emails of support..anyway on with today's tip.

As important as stating who is a great referral, is how to make that contact. This one came to me as a blinding flash of the obvious. If you are a printing company and specifically ask for a referral to the owner of a local lotion manufacturer, your sales force needs a little more information on how to make that connection. Why is that a good referral for you? If I know that owner, what should I tell them? What should I ask them? How can I get you in front of them? When it is not obvious, it is your job to bridge that gap by training your fellow members how to generate this referral, after all you are the expert in the types of clients you are after and how to best find them. Don't keep that a secret, share the how and why and most importanly give constructive feedback afterwards.

"Success is going from failure to failure without a loss of enthusiasm." - Winston Churchill

Your action for today is to renew your enthusiasm for something where you've suffered some setbacks

Friday, June 19, 2009

7 Factors that INFLUENCE CONFIDENCE so people REFER YOU!

Last week we touched on how to build trust and what things could influence the level of confidence people need to refer you, so here they are.

Seven main factors that influence the level of confidence are the following:
  1. What profession you are in?
  2. The size of your referral group
  3. How supportive the group is
  4. How well you educate the group on what you do
  5. How much business you give to others in the group
  6. How committed you are to the group
  7. How good your relationships are with others in the group

The last item is the most important factor in gaining confidence. The following will help you improve the relationships with the people in your referral group.

  • Show the group you are committed.
  • Always have a positive attitude.
  • Help your fellow members become successful.
  • Get together outside the group and dicuss what and how you can introduce them to your contacts.
  • Give them dynamic testimonials for the websites etc.
  • Always thank members when they give you referrals.
  • Visit every members place of business.
  • Organise and host social functions.
  • Be proactive in your group. Get involved in chapter operations.
  • Befriend all members in your chapter.
  • Use the services of other members when you can.
  • Sit with members you don't know well.

We are conducting a POLL and we need your HELP for 1.5 seconds. Move your eyes to the right of this article and answer, "When is the best time to network? "

"Obstacles can't stop you. Problems can't stop you. Most of all, other people can't stop you. Only you can stop you." - Author, Jeffrey Gitomer

Your action for today is to see if there is something that you want that you have stopped going after

Friday, June 12, 2009

7 Factors that influence confidence so people REFER YOU!

Recently a business person who attended one of my "Referral Pipeline" courses asked, what's the quickest way to have people build confidence with me, so that they refer me business, and what is the best group to join to do that. Well, I think most of you know my answer, BNI of course, but what amazed me was what she said next, "OK, but which chapter is the best one to join". I told her that great relationships need time to build and that trust needs to be earnt. It is not a matter of which group to join but rather where and how much you can put into building those relationship.

This person seem to think that because her existing referral group wasn't referring her, that things would get better if she just changed groups. The answer is simple, Relationships are not greener on the other side, they are greener where they get watered. What are YOU doing to build your relationships. If you nuture and build them, the trust will grow on they will refer you like crazy. Next week I will share 7 factors that influence confidence so that people refer you MORE, FASTER and BETTER clients - stay tuned.

"You've got to stand for something, or you'll fall for anything!" Country Western Artist, Aaron Tippin

Your action for today is to reflect on one of your core values and reaffirm why it matters so much to you.

Friday, May 15, 2009

When Good customer service is NOT enough

If you think good customer service is enough these days, think again. Customers expect good service and if they don't get it they tell every man and his dog. Good service should be a given now days, customers need good service but when they get GREAT, FANTASTIC, AMAZING customer service, people begin talking as well as referring.

I received AMAZING service from Julie at Olympus Australia (Camera) this week and it made me think, who do I know that could help my contacts understand how to give GREAT, FANTASTIC, AMAZING customer service to their clients. Let me introduce Nathan Williams a (Customer Care Specialist) who has put together his 5 best customer relationship tips.

Bullet Proof your Business by Nathan Williams
As your competitors pick up the phone and call your clients in an effort to win new business, your customer retention may well be affected. If you're not talking to your customers, then someone else will be. Here are 5 customer relationship tips to think about.

1. Maximise the effectiveness of your sales and marketing budget?
Most businesses focus on new business, yet it's up to nine times more profitable to sell more to an existing customer, than to try and acquire a new customer. Repeat customers also spend up to 33% more than new customers. Ensure that you have a customer retention strategy in place that helps you to maximise business from existing clients, and leads to more business being referred.

2. Why are you missing out on business, and why are some of your clients now inactive or not referring you business.
Only 4% of people will, on average, tell you the truth about what they think of your business. This is why it's referred to as the 'Customer Complaint Iceberg.' Worse still, for every negative experience (which you'll rarely hear about), a customer may tell five people, who in turn tell another eleven people. Unless you can find a way to proactively get the truth from your prospects and clients, you are operating with a blindfold on.

3. Can you prove how good your service is?
Customers become more discerning in a downturn and will look for quality. Any mechanism that demonstrates how good your service is (as opposed to you just talking it up or testimonials which everyone has), will help separate you from the herd. You need a compelling reason for customers to use you - this is a major benefit of using an independent expert.

4. Why is communicating with your customers important!
What customers say about you (and not what's in your brochures) is your brand. This knowledge uncovers the true essence of your business and can give you some great ideas for what to focus on, what to discard and what to develop as businesses and consumers re - evaluate what's important.5. Should you stay close to your customers and get positioned for the next boom Now is the perfect time to stay close to your database so you can profit when the economy improves - this is the time to focus on client retention. This in turn will lead to new business, because not all businesses look after their existing clients well.

This article was written by Nathan Williams. If you have any questions feel free to contact him on 0410 471 200 or at

Friday, May 08, 2009

BAD REFERRALS - What you must do and why!

Often I get asked, I received a referral that is not really a referral, what should I do? I think Ivan Misner put it best when he said "If you receive a bad referral and do nothing about it, you deserve all the bad referrals you receive"

So here are 5 things you can do to improve the quality of the referrals you receive

1. Be Tactful - when you receive a bad/poor referral arrange a get together, perhaps grab a coffee and explain that you appreciate them thinking of you (THIS IS CRITICAL), but that it is not exactly what you want. Then tell them EXACTLY what you DO want and ask, how you can help them with it.

2. Look in the mirror - review the content of your education. Make sure your call to action is clear and concise.

3. Meet with them on a regular basis - this is the one most effective way to ensure a good flow of quality business, do lunch and continue to educate one another on what is a referral - how to recognise it and then what to do or say.

4. Find business for your referral partners - This requires effort, and concentration on their needs and is particularly important when you begin a new referral partner relationship.

5. If you are unable to fill a referral, you should put the referred person in touch with someone who can help him or her!

One of the most valuable contributions you can make to a referral partner is to ask the question: "How Can I Help You". If you've ever received a bad/poor referral why not share how you went about fixing it by posting a comment below.

"I get up every morning determined both to change the world and to have one heck of a good time. Sometimes this makes planning the day difficult." - An Unknown Author

Your action for today is to do something that would qualify as having a heck of a good time.

Thursday, April 30, 2009

WHY do you refer people?

In a recent article by Kirsty Dunphey she talked about her being surprised at the reason WHY her husband would recommend a particular tattoo artist.

Given her husband's tattoo free stance she was surprised that he would recommend anyone and was keen to find out what was so amazing about this artist's work. Turns out however that her husband wasn't referring him based on his work but on the fact that when a friend of his tried to enter the premises with shoes on he was told to leave and the floor was immediately mopped where he'd walked. The commitment to maintaining a sterile environment had impacted on the person getting the tattoo so much that he had then told it to who knows how many people and that story had impacted on her husband enough for him to pass on the artist's name. It's an unusual referral chain! Who'd have thought a tattoo artist would be getting referred because he was crazy about the clean? I certainly wouldn't have, but his passion for sterility made such an impact that it's become a little bit like urban legend and inspires confidence in respect to safety to those that hear about the story.

This weeks referral tip - Don't tell people what it is you do, give your referral partners success stories they can use when they find you referrals; why should they refer you over your competitors. If you don't know, ask your clients for help - ask them why they come and buy from you. The results may surprise you.

"You can't have a better tomorrow if you are thinking about yesterday all the time." - Inventor, Charles Kettering

Your action for today is to let go of any "should or could haves" and focus on what you will do instead

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Who should you share information with?

This week, I want to share with you a very special and easy tip that has made the MOST impact to my NETWORKING when it comes to growing business relationships.

Next time your reading an interesting article, receive an informative newsletter or see something on line that grabs your attention - ask yourself these questions

- Who can I share this information with?
- Who do I know that would benefit or find the article valuable?
- Who's target market is this aim at?

My business coach Tim Callcott has been doing this for as long as I have known him, no wonder we have grown a strong relationship.

You see, not only are you sharing relevant information with them, you are also letting that person know that you are thinking of them and their business. This is where real relationship are formed - when you know how much they care about your success.

Think You Know Your Business - Click Here

"Ability is what you're capable of, motivation determines what you do, attitude determines how well you do it." - Football Coach, Lou Holtz

Your action for today is to bring the best attitude to your activities today regardless of how you feel.

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Help You TEAM find you Referrals

If you want to get more referrals from people in your network, you have to be able to make it easy for them to find and give those referrals to you. They want to help you, but most will not step out of their comfort zone to make it happen,

Here are 5 things to help you start the process of making it easy;

1. What should they listen out for? When your around people you will hear them complaining or sharing some news. Each of these conversations is an opportunity to develop referrals. What complaint will people hear for you?

2. What visual clue? might we see that would lead us to recommend or refer you? Such as someone who's car has a dent in it and you are an auto body shop owner.

3. Your target market Are there things that I might see that would help me recognize someone as your target market? Example: A motor cycle or boat in a drive way for the insurance agent.

4. What kind of things might be happening that would lead me to believe that someone is in the market for your services? A child being born, and child going to college, or a new business that just opened?

5. Is there an activity that you clients often engage in? Such as running in mini-marathons, jogging, bike riding, working out, skiing, or any number of activities that would help me identify our clients?

The more you can paint a picture for your network members the easier it is going to be for them to help you. Unfortunately, this means that you have to give some thought to what and who you are looking for as clients. Anybody or everybody will not be as effective. Profile you clients and teach your network members how to spot the clues.

"LET ME SUGGEST THIS... Once a month, read one biography, company profile or case study about successful inventors and entrepreneurs. Take notes from the masters. Email me your list of three lessons learned from each and I'll use them in an upcoming article or blog!

The difference between perseverance and obstinacy is that one often comes from a strong will, and the other from a strong won't." - 19th Century Cleric, Henry Ward Beecher

Your action for today is to reflect on whether you have a tendency to be persevering or obstinate.

Relationships and the Dalai Lama

Relationships move both our lives and our businesses forward, closer to our goals. The Dalai Lama put it this way

We human beings are social beings. We come into the world as a result of others' actions. We survive here in dependence on others. Whether we like it or not, there is hardly a moment of our lives when we do not benefit from others' activities. For this reason, it is hardly surprising that most of our happiness arises in the context of relationships with others.

"People seldom improve when they have no other model but themselves to copy after." - Writer and Poet, Oliver Goldsmith

Your action for today is to pick someone who has traits you admire and respect, and try to incorporate something they do in your actions.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Trade Shows

I wanted to share with you some effective tips on how to network a trade show or conference for building your business...

- Make new friends, you're there to network, so get out there.
- Meet the competition, share ideas about the industry.
- Volunteer to speak when you first hear about the conference, get to be know as the EXPERT in your field.
- Be social, people love friendly happy people.

Your name tag is your best friend for several reasons. First of all, a person's name is the single piece of personal information most often forgotten-and people are less likely to approach you if they don't know (or have forgotten) your name.

Second, it's free advertising for you and your company.

Third, name tags encourage people to be friendly and more approachable. Name tags are an inexpensive part of your brand or marketing... but too often people give excuses on why they shouldn't need to wear a name tag: "Name tags look silly." Yes, they do. But, remember, everyone else is wearing one, too. "Name tags ruin my clothes." Not if you wear them on the edge of your lapel, or use cloth-safe connectors, like lanyards and plastic clips. "But I already know everybody." No, you don't. You may think you do, but people join and leave businesses and organisations all the time. "But everyone already knows me." No, they don't. Even the best networkers know there's always someone new to meet.

"Truth, like surgery, may hurt. But it cures." - Writer, Han Suyin

Your action for today is to see if you are avoiding telling someone the truth. What do you think it's costing you and them?

Saturday, February 14, 2009

How important is having a positive attitude to achieve success?

Thanks to everyone who sent an email regarding last weeks 3Gw. Your comments inspire me to strive for excellence, which made me think, How important is having a positive attitude to achieve success?

Well in the words of Jeffrey Gitomer


It ain't the rain, the snow, the boss, the competition, the spouse, the money, the car, the job,or the kids - it's You and it always has been.

You see you already know the UNIVERSAL TRUTH OF CONNECTING because your mother taught you everything you need to know about connecting before you were 10 years old:

Make friends, play nice, tell the truth, take a bath, do your homework.-- Jeffrey Gitomer

"Small deeds done are better than great deeds planned." - Clergyman, Peter Marshall

Your action for today is to do something that helps the environment such as using less water or bringing your own mug to Starbucks for your coffee.

Monday, February 09, 2009

Friday, February 06, 2009

Why & How you can use "Twitter" to promote your business

I would like to thank Tim Callcott (Icon Business Consultant) for sharing the best article I have read about Twitter- What is it and how you can use it to promote you and your business. Simply click the below link you will see what I mean. It is a short and simple article to read - No geek stuff.

I started using Twitter straight after reading the article. The best part was that I knew what I was trying to achieve and why. I trust you enjoy the article as much as I did. "Twitter".
If you have not consciously made the decision to be rich, excellent and healthy, then you have unconsciously made the decision to be poor, mediocre and unhealthy - Author, Wallace D. Wattles
Your action for today is to consciously do something extratowards obtaining one of the qualities you desire in yourlife.

Monday, February 02, 2009

Networking is a VERB not a NOUN

A verb, as described, by my primary school teacher, is an action word. A noun is an object or thing. That means that in order to network you must take action ... do stuff ... not just show up at things and be seen. If you go to a chamber meeting and just "be there" then you are a noun ... you are just an object. Do yourself and everyone else a favour and go home, stop waisting your money and the other members time. If you go and actually participate and make things happen ... you are now taking action ... you're a verb.

You are not going to find any form of marketing more important and probably more effective than word-of-mouth marketing (WOMM), in the next 12 to 24 months. That means that no matter what type of marketing campaigns you are doing they will be 5 to 10 times more effective if you are supplementing them with strategic WOMM and networking.

If you are a BNI Member you have an advantage over every other business out here, especially your competitors (unless, of course, they are also members of BNI). You have a group of like-minded people who believe in the development of relationship marketing and sales and practice the Givers Gain philosophy. Your networking is multiplied by the amount of members in your chapter. There is no recesssion for you ... so go take action ... go BE A VERB!

"Whenever you are asked if you can do a job, tell em, 'Certainly I can' - and get busy and find out how to do it." - Theodore Roosevelt

Your action for today is to volunteer for a job or project.

If you want to build your business how do you choose which organisations to belong to?

First you need to ask yourself what your goals are for participating in any networking meetings. This way you will pick groups that will help you get what you are looking for. Some meetings are based more on learning, making contacts, and/or volunteering rather than on strictly making business connections. Here are a few things you should consider -

  • Visit as many groups as possible that spark your interest. Notice the tone and attitude of the group. Do the people sound supportive of one another? Does the leadership appear competent? Many groups will allow you to visit two times before joining.
  • Ask open-ended questions in networking conversations. This means questions that ask who, what, where, when, and how as opposed to those that can be answered with a simple yes or no. This form of questioning opens up the discussion and shows listeners that you are interested in them. This news is nothing new, my question is do you do it.
  • Become known as a powerful resource for others. When you are known as a strong resource, people remember to turn to you for suggestions, ideas, names of other people, etc. This keeps you visible to them.
  • Have a clear understanding of what you do and why, for whom, and what makes your doing it special or different from others doing the same thing. In order to get referrals, you must first have a clear understanding of what you do that you can easily articulate to others. You are the expert so make it SIMPLE, by informing others how you help people, not what you do.
  • Be able to articulate what you are looking for and how others may help you. Too often people in conversations ask, "How may I help you?" and no immediate answer comes to mind. If you don't know, what chance has your referral team got.
  • Follow through quickly and efficiently on referrals you are given. When people give you referrals, your actions are a reflection on them. Respect and honor that and your referrals will grow. Your goal should be to make the referral source look good when you follow up with the prospect.
  • Call those you meet who may benefit from what you do and vice versa. Express that you enjoyed meeting them, and ask if you could get together. Fortune is in the follow up!

If the above sounds familiar, you heard it before or you find yourself saying "Well isn't that all common knowledge" my question is this, Yes it is common knowledge but DO YOU DO IT?

"Nurture your mind with great thoughts, for you will never go any higher than you think." British Statesman, Benjamin Disraeli

Your action for today is to read a chapter of a book you find inspirational.

Building your Contacts by Recconecting with old friends

Yesterday I received an e-mail from someone I went to school with, so I researched his name on the Internet and found a firm owned by someone of the same last name. I clicked on 'HISTORY OF THE FIRM' and his name was listed so I emailed him and it was the same guy I sat next to for English studies for 3 years! It turns out that he is the person in control of all the safety aspects of one of the largest building firms for Sydneyland and we are now reconnected.

There are many ways to reconnect with people from your past.,,,, I registered for linkedin about 2 years ago and now have over 2.3 million people that I'm connected with from my original 239 contacts. Why is this important. Well, when I click on ADVANCED SEARCH, I can type in 'Skiing' OR 'Newington College' OR 'Hang Gliding' and get a list of everyone connected to me that has ties to that subject. What a great way of starting a relationship and building a dialogue. What a great way to reconnect with someone from you past!

If you live in a remote area or if you are busy and have a hard time getting out of the house or office, this is a perfect way to expand your network and build new relationships. Sign up, invite a few people and then do some 'Advanced Searches' on topics, jobs, schools, etc and see who comes up!

"The kindness we resolve to show tomorrow cures no headache today." - Unknown Author

Your action for today is to go out of your way to show some kindness to someone.

Make your 2009 GOALS reality - Tell your team!

The other night, we had a little Holiday recognition party for a couple of our team members. Towards the end of party we did a very simple exercise that had left each of us with a great feeling for 2009. We gave each person a notepad and pen. We asked each person to write down 3 things they would like to do or have in 2009 (that they don't currently have). We gave everyone a few minutes and then we went around the room and had each person share their list with the rest of the group. This is such an important exercise. So much of motivation comes from having something compelling and fun to look forward to. Your dreams should stretch you.

I have found that if you have something you plan on DOING in 2009, it helps to put it on the calendar and then start doing things each week that will bring you closer to achieving it. For example, I had never taken my family on an overseas ski trip. I have talked about it year after year for 8 years. Finally I just put it on my calendar and made a small down payment on it. Over the next 10 months, I will make a few more payments and in no time, I will be skiing down the slopes of Japan with my family. If you have a dream to take a trip, do a mission, take a class, learn a skill, there is no better time than now to schedule it. Make your reasons to do it more important than your excuses not to. There are always obstacles to having what you want. Make your obstacles small and your dreams big.

So TODAY, spend a few minutes to write out your dreams for 2009 and begin to make them reality.

"It is not impossibilities which fill us with the deepest despair, but possibilities which we have failed to realise." - Writer and Poet, Robert Mallet

Your action for today is to look at your "someday I will do list," select an item and do something today to set it in motion.

Are You a Mouse or a Hoff?

Change is something that a lot of people resist. The status quo works for them because they know what to expect and what is expected of them. The problem is that business is always changing. I mean the economy is going to do what the economy is going to do, but you can make plans to change the way you react.

There are two types of people in this short video clip, which one are you? Click -
Who Moved My Cheese

"There are two types of people, those who make commitments and those who keep them" - John Adams

Your action for today is to think of one commitment you have made but so far have not yet kept, and do what you can to keep it.

2 MORE Ways to Increase the number of Referrals You Give

Here is another 2 simple ways to increase the amount of referrals YOU give and at the same time help promote yourself.
  1. Whenever you write up a sale, give them your business card holder (filled with the cards of the people you refer) to browse through while you do the paperwork of the sale. The client will be drawn to the business cards like a magnet and will ask you about the people and services represented. This gives you a chance to brush up on giving someone else's presentation. This will teach your client's that there is more than one reason they should be doing business with YOU as at the same time help make them more successful by introducing them to reliable people.
  2. Send a follow up letter or email to everyone that you have been able to refer, and thank everyone. This is also a subtle way to promote yourself.

"Excuses are the nails used to build a house of failure." - Author, Dan Wilder

4 Ways to Increase the number of Referrals You Give

(The more YOU give, the more YOU receive).

1. Carry a business card holder every where you go. Don't leave home without it. Keep it current with cards of the people who you refer business.

2. Get yourself an extra set of eyes and ears! Give your spouse or significant other a business card holder of the people who refer you.

3. Each week, pick out one card from your card holder and try and find them a referral that week.

4. Don't be a hermit: practice the 3 foot rule! In other words, start a conversation with anyone within 3 feet of you.

"The bad news is time flies. The good news is you're the pilot." - Personal Achievement Coach, Michael Altshuler

212 degrees Fahrenheit

At 211 degree Fahrenheit water gets warm but at 212 boils. And with boiling water, comes steam. And steam can power a locomotive. And, it's that one extra degree that...Makes all the difference.

So many times, in business and in life, it's that one extra degree of effort that separates the good from the great. What is fantastic about the 212° idea is that you can use it to fit your own needs. It may be 212° service that you'd like to reinforce, or 212° attitude, leadership, or quality. Or maybe, you'll choose to build your entire culture around the 212° differentiate you from your competition.

The real beauty of 212° is the simplicity of the idea. Once explained...everybody gets it. And once you get's hard to forget!

What one thing could you do next week that would make a difference to your relationships.

"Great minds discuss ideas, average minds discuss events, small minds discuss people." - U.S. Navy Admiral, Hyman Rickover

Just Do It!

If you want people to refer you business then you need to have them TRUST you!

Have you ever heard the saying "I am sorry I can't hear you because what you do thunders above you". This quote illustrates that people will make evaluations about you, based and what you do rather than what you say your going to do. No one likes a gunna!

The answer to building profitable relationships is really very simple, DO what you say your going to do EVERY TIME. Nike puts this even simpler "Just do it"

"Great minds discuss ideas, average minds discuss events, small minds discuss people." - U.S. Navy Admiral, Hyman Rickover

Its Not Netsit or Neteat it's NetWORK

Relation marketing does require work and having conversations with other business people in order to grow the relationship. This week I would like you to consider the "The types of conversations you have". I offer that there is only 3 types of conversation people have, they are

1. Conversations that draw attention to themselves. This is where one person is informing (telling) the other person how smart they are.

2. Conversations where one person is right and the other person is wrong

3. Lastly there is the conversations where we generally don't know about something but have a willingness to learn about the topic being discussed.

If you want your networking to be effective then consider the types of conversations your having with people and whether or not they are improving the relation.

Written by Glenn Kirkwood, inspired by Tim Callcott

The difference between ordinary and extraordinary is that little extra - Jimmy Johnson (Football Coach)

Do you have Contacts or Connections? Part 2

Continuing from last week, Do you have Contacts or Connections? I would like to offer the following tangible ways to deepen the strengths of your network:

Build quality relationships: Take the time necessary to deepen the relationships between you and your referral sources. I know we are all pressed for time; but in order to deepen your networking relationships, you must make the time to go beyond the normal business interactions with those from whom you want to be able to ask for support in the future. Invite them to appropriate social functions, backyard barbecues, and sporting events. Get to know these key people outside of the business environment whenever possible. The more of a friendship you can count between you, the more expectations you can both have from each other's networking efforts.

Think about where to network that can build deep roots: There are the tried and true places to network, such as referral groups, networking mixers, social events, and online networks. Remember however, it is not enough to just show up; you must establish credibility with people before you can expect them to help you in some way. When someone tries to hurry the process they tend to hurt relationships not build their business.

Change your focus from "what's in it for me?" to "what can I offer you?": This is perhaps the most powerful technique for deepening AND widening your networks. When building a deep network, do the things you can to bring business and contacts to your networking partners. Share pertinent information with them; invite them to business meetings that will position them favorably with others they need to get to know. Keep in mind that you want to get to the point where your networking partners know you always have something to give them. In short, do what it takes to "earn" the help you might need to ask for down the road. Powerful networkers live by the philosophy of "Givers Gain."

When deepening your network, you want to focus on giving to your referral sources. It's that tried and true analogy of farming versus hunting when building a business through word of mouth. Give your time, give your knowledge, and give what your referral sources need to succeed. As you develop stronger networking skills, it's better to put on the farmer's overalls and cultivate the connections you need to be able to call in support for programs and products you want to promote.

We all know that the best time to plant an oak tree was 25 years ago however, the next best time is right now! It's never too late to change your focus and develop business relationships with very deep roots, as well as far-reaching breadth.

Written by Glenn Kirkwood & Dr Ivan Misner

The greatest definition for concentration I ever heard is, "Wherever you are, be there! - Jim Rohn

Do you have Contacts or Connections?

Recently, someone I barely knew contacted me and asked if I would promote his business service within my networking organisation. This person is a business associate, but definitely not someone I know very well. That request made me think about how many people assume that if they have met you, they can ask for something that only a close associate would be willing to do.

Good Networkers know that having a good contact doesn't necessarily make someone a good connection. One of the most important things I've learnt is that it is not "what you know," OR, "who you know," it is "how well you know them" that really counts in building a powerful personal network. This means that your network must not only be "broad," it must also be "deep." Most people focus on the broad aspect more than the deep aspect. When developing a reliable and effective network, it is very important to keep depth in mind as much as breadth! What do I mean by this? When you need to rely on others to help you out (promote your program to their client base or cross market your products), it is critical that you have done the work of strengthening your connections well in advance of your need.

When you are considering asking someone in your personal network for a favor, ask yourself if they are a "contact" or a "connection." A contact is someone you know, but with whom you haven't fully established a strong relationship and a connection is someone who knows you and trusts you because you have taken the time to establish credibility with them. Unrealistic expectations of your network come from trying to "use" your network for support that your contacts might not feel you deserve or feel they have no obligation to provide. You really do have to earn the loyalty and engagement of your referral sources. Next week I will offer some tangible ways to deepen the roots of your network.

Written by Glenn Kirkwood & Dr Ivan Misner

If you don't like where you are, change it! Your not a tree. - Jim Rohn

How can a Mechanic find referrals for an Accountant

Last week I wrote about the importance of taking the time to thank people who find referrals for your business and that one of the best ways to thank them is by taking the time to write them/their business a testimonial. Well this week sees us take a look at how people from different industries can work together in finding referrals for one another.

Recently I received a friendly reminder notice from my mechanic Sue Taylor - Southwest Automotive in Campbelltown about my cars upcoming registration renewal. Something I have begun to expect from Sue, however this letter was a little different. About half way through the letter Sue began to introduce her accountant Rick. The letter goes on to say how many years of experience Rick has, the types of services he offers and that she could arrange an introduction. The timing of the letter was perfect as it is tax time and to add a little sweetener to the introduction their was a discount coupon attached that offered all Sue's loyal clients a 20% discount on any personal or business tax return.

Similar to a testimonial they achieved many things by working together that cost very little to either business including, a personal introduction over a cold call, value adding to her clients which also helps to bring loyalty and an increase in exposure for the accountant.

Before you send your next monthly statement or promotional flyer ask yourself who else could you work with to help achieve the great results for everyone concerned.

Co-operation is working together to achieve things you can not possible achieve by yourself. - Dr Ivan Misner

If you want to receive, then learn to give!

Few people would argue that referral marketing is one of the best ways to get more business. However if you want to get more business then I think its critical you learn how to give business as well. I want you to think for a moment about the people who have given you a referral in the past, alliance or referral partners, clients both new and past or just someone you meet at a networking function. When was the last time you really thanked one of them.

A few years ago Dr Ivan Misner, the founder of BNI, conducted a study and they found that there was a 30-40% gap between the amount of referrals people think they should be getting and what they actually did get. Now think for a moment, is it any wonder they stop referring you if you never thank them for it. Next time someone gives you a referral make sure you thank them sincerely, write a testimonial for their website (a personel favourite) or better yet, find them some business. Let them know that you have followed up with the referral and give them some feedback on how it went. I have found that if you take the time to thank them they will continue to give you more.

Information alone does not change behaviour - Matt Linnert

THANK one of the above people today!!

"Ten Commandments of Networking" Part 2

Last post I wrote about 5 Commandments of Networking to help you successfully network your way through your next business event. Here are the last 5 of the "Ten Commandments of Networking".

6. Give referrals whenever possible. The best networkers believe in the "givers gain" philosophy (what goes around comes around). If I help you, you'll help me and we'll both do better as a result of it. In other words, if you don't genuinely attempt to help the people you meet, then you are not networking effectively. If you can't give someone a bona fide referral, try to offer some information that might be of interest to them (such as details about an upcoming event).

7. Exchange business cards. Ask each person you meet for two cards-one to pass on to someone else and one to keep. This sets the stage for networking to happen.

8. Manage your time efficiently. Spend 10 minutes or less with each person you meet, and don't linger with friends or associates. If your goal is to meet a given number of people, be careful not to spend too much time with any one person. When you meet someone interesting with whom you'd like to speak further, set up an appointment for a later date.

9. Write notes on the backs of business cards you collect. Record anything you think may be useful in remembering each person more clearly. This will come in handy when you follow up on each contact.

10. Follow up! You can obey the previous nine commandments religiously, but if you don't follow up effectively, you will have wasted your time. Drop a note or give a call to each person you've met. Be sure to fulfil any promises you've made.

Failure is a prerequisite for great success. If you want to succeed faster, double your rate of failure - Brian Tracy.

"Ten Commandments of Networking" Part 1

Have you suffer from "butterfly-itis" at the very mention of networking at business functions? If you said yes then you are not alone. Many entrepreneurs get a bit uncomfortable when it comes down to walking up to someone and starting a conversation. Many others are concerned about getting effective results from the time they spend networking. The process doesn't have to be traumatic, scary or a waste of time. When done properly, it can truly make a difference in the amount of business your company generates. With the right approach, you can use it to build a wealth of resources and contacts that will help make your business very successful. Here are the first 5 "Ten Commandments of Networking" to help you network your way through your next business networking event:

1. Have the tools to network with you at all times. These include an informative name badge, business cards, brochures about your business, and a pocket-sized business card file containing cards of other professionals to whom you can refer new business.

2. Set a goal for the number of people you'll meet. Identify a reachable goal based on attendance and the type of group. If you feel inspired, set a goal to meet 15 to 20 people, and make sure you get all their cards. If you don't feel so hot, shoot for less. In either case, don't leave until you've met your goal.

3. Act like a host, not a guest. A host is expected to do things for others, while a guest sits back and relaxes. Volunteer to help greet people. If you see visitors sitting, introduce yourself and ask if they would like to meet others. Act as a conduit.

. Listen and ask questions. Remember that a good networker has two ears and one mouth and uses them proportionately. After you've learned what another person does, tell them what you do. Be specific but brief. Don't assume they know your business.

5. Don't try to close a deal. These events are not meant to be a vehicle to hit on businesspeople to buy your products or services. Networking is about developing relationships with other professionals. Meeting people at events should be the beginning of that process, not the end of it.

The history of the human race is the history of ordinary people who have overcome their fears and accomplished extraordinary things - Brian Tracy.

The difference between weak referrals & quality referrals

A BNI member asked me the other day if it's possible to learn to distinguish the difference between weak referrals and quality referrals. The answer is YES. Below are the things to consider in distinguishing between weak and strong referrals.

There are varying levels of referrals, starting at a level that's just one step above a cold lead. These types of referrals are ranked in quality from lowest to highest. Number one is the lowest-ranked type of referral (the least desirable) to give and receive, and number eight is the highest (most desirable). You can use the referral level rankings below to help distinguish quality referrals from weaker ones.
1. Names and contact information only: Getting the name and contact information from a referral source is better than nothing-but not much.
2. Authorization to use name: This indicates you've established good credibility; however, the work of developing the prospect still rests with you.
3. General testimonial statement and/or letter of recommendation and introduction: This is a noteworthy accomplishment, and it demonstrates that the referral source trusts you.
4. Introduction call: This takes the effort on the part of the referral source up another notch and paves the way for communication from you.
5. Note or letter of introduction, call and promotion: This implies an even higher level of commitment on the part of the referral source. It is an outright recommendation of your business accompanied by a description of its features and benefits.
6. Arrange a Meeting: Here your referral source is acting as a facilitator for you. This conveys to your prospect that your referral source has a deep trust in and approval of your business.
7. Face-to-face introduction and promotion: Your referral source is now actively engaged in selling your product or business, rather than just being a meeting facilitator.
8. Closed deal: After your referral source has described the features and benefits of your product or business, he then closes the sale. This is the highest level of referral you can achieve.

If you have real, internal value, you don't need a loud, expensive imitation - Denis Waitley.

Networking is more about farming than it is hunting.

I recently received an e-mail from someone who said, "The type of networking you talk about describes the way things should work, but in the real world most people seem to have an attitude of what's in it for me? " He asked, "How can I prevent wasting my time and efforts on people, only to find that they have this kind of attitude?"

The short answer to his question is this-stop hanging out with the wrong kind of people and start actively seeking out the right kind of people. Trust me, I've been there and done that when it comes to getting stuck with the wrong people. Moving beyond that and building the kind of network that wants to help you (knowing that you also want to help them) is a journey-not a destination.
I have two suggestions to make finding the right networking partners easier. First look for some of the signs relating to people who fit the profile of good networkers. They include:
People who ask how they can help you or what they can offer you (and mean it) before they ask anything from you.

Individuals who show that they are willing to work on creating a professional relationship over a period of time because they understand that they must develop credibility with you before asking for your business or your referrals. Those who make the time to go beyond the normal business interactions with those whom they want to be able to ask for support.

Professionals who understand that networking is more about farming than hunting and show it in their actions by making the effort to get to know you outside of the business environment whenever possible, knowing that the more of a friendship there is between you, the more expectations you can both have from each other's networking efforts.

People who do what they can to bring business and contacts to you and their other networking partners, who share pertinent information with you, and invite you to business meetings that will position you favourably with others you need to get to know.

Individuals who give of their time and knowledge in order to help their referral sources succeed.
Second, immerse yourself in the process of relationship building. A network that is a mile wide and an inch deep is not a strong network. Create a personal network that is both wide and deep. Meeting with people regularly is the key to making this happen. Participate in networking groups where you are going to see the same people on a regular basis. This will help you develop relationships and screen out the what's in it for me? networkers.

Networking is more about farming than it is hunting - Ivan Misner.


"Citius Altius Fortius" The Olympic moto

The 2008 Olympic Games is only a few months away and I want you to take a moment to think about sacrifice, the commitment and the training that tens of thousands of athletes from around the world are presently enduring.
The competition will individual athlete aim to break their own personal record. They refer to these as their PB - their Personal Best. By continually improving their personal best, they finally get to the World or Olympic record.

For those of us involved in the "Olympics of Sales Performance", we all need to know what our personal best is. How many cold calls do we need to make, to complete a sale? What is the average dollar value we achieve in each sale we conduct? How many phone calls do we have to make to gain a face to face appointment? Isn't it easy when you receive a referral from someone? Let your team know how many referrals you need and to educate them on how to find them and what you want them to say when they find them.

There are many "personal bests" being broken every day in the sales arena. Knowing that you've just broken your personal best is both inspirational and reassuring. It makes all the training and hard work worthwhile. PB's are broken by maintaining a continuous quest for excellence.

Why Giving Works!

It is not often I send post this type of material, but I think this one is very appropriate. Enjoy!

A holy man was having a conversation with the Lord one day and said, 'Lord, I would like to know what Heaven and Hell are like.' The Lord led the holy man to two doors.

He opened one of the doors and the holy man looked in. In the middle of the room was a large round table. In the middle of the table was a large pot of stew, which smelled delicious and made the holy man's mouth water. The people sitting around the table were thin and sickly. They appeared to be famished. They were holding spoons with very long handles that were strapped to their arms and each found it possible to reach into the pot of stew and take a spoonful. But because the handle was longer than their arms, they could not get the spoons back into their mouths. The holy man shuddered at the sight of their misery and suffering. The Lord said, 'You have seen Hell.'
They went to the next room and opened the door. It was exactly the same as the first one. There was the large round table with the large pot of stew which made the holy man's mouth water. The people were equipped with the same long-handled spoons, but here the people were well nourished and plump, laughing and talking. The holy man said, 'I don't understand.' It is simple,' said the Lord. 'It requires but one skill. You see they have learned to feed each other, while the greedy think only of themselves.'

It's estimated 93% won't forward this. If you are one of the 7% who will, forward this with the title '7%'. I'm in the 7% - Remember that I will always share my spoon with you.

5 Tips to Getting HOT Referrals

The key to referrals is to tell em, tell em, tell em, your team how you help businesses and or people

5 Tips to Getting Hot Referrals

#1. Anyone active in networking groups can benefit by developing a presentation book: take it to meetings, and make sure it gets circulated. Let people know how you help businesses.
#2. If your product or service is conductive to this approach, tell the members of your network that you accept speaking engagements as bonafide referrals. Ask them to pitch you to the program chair of other organisations to which they belong.
#3. Meet people outside of a meeting context whenever you can. Write cards or letters, send articles that might be of interest, call to check in, and let them know about local business receptions. Remember you are referring someone you know.
#4. To get good referrals, tell people when they've given you a bad referral. If you don't, you'll keep getting bad ones and you'll deserve them. Of course this depends on how you tell them but you must tell them. Teach people what you consider a good referral.

#5. Monitor the referrals you get. This tells you how often you get referrals, their source quality, status, and dollar payoff. Having this information helps you focus on individuals and groups that are giving you the best referrals.

"It's important that your key people believe in you and your plan" - Todd Dodge

Santas wish list! Are you on it?

Santa needs your help!

He has a sack filled with referrals, he just doesn't know who to give them to. The holidays are a great time to catch up with family and friends who perhaps you haven't seen for a while, so I have a few questions for you....

  • Q - Is your referral team trained on what to look for during the holidays?

  • Q - Will they know how to begin a conversation that will lead them to you or your product without selling them anything?

  • Q - What visual cue's will they see by their family and friends?

  • Q - Perhaps they need to know, "When people say this..... Tell them this....." what do they need to listen for?

After all you are the expert in your field. So don't leave it to chance, give your team the best possible tools to help them find YOU opportunities over the Christmas holidays.

"Be helpful. When you see a person without a smile, give them yours." - Zig Ziglar

"I'm expanding my business and I need your help. Who do you know who...?"

I was reading a book by Mark Sheer "Referrals". In it he suggests an effective approach for asking someone for referrals is to use the phrase,

"I'm expanding my business and I need your help. Who do you know who...?"

Do NOT alter this phrase. Do NOT say, "Do you know anyone who...?" The specific "Who do you know who...?" question allows for nothing other than names, numbers, and referrals. Simply fill in the blank with what your product /service provides.

Example: a toy salesperson - "Who do you know who's having a baby?

"Obstacles are something we see when we take our eyes off our goals." - Zig Ziglar

2007 Big Breakfast a HUGE Success

I would like to thank the 140 members and guest who attend the BNI Big Breakfast held in Newcastle last Friday. Whilst the purpose for holding the event was only ever to thank members for growing BNI in the region and to have some fun, there have been several success stories I would like to share with you.

  • One member reported that he meet 15 new business owners during the business card scramble and as a result of following up, now has 13 new appointments this week that he didn't have last week. As Rohan Merry (BNI Tower) says, Fortune is in the follow up!
  • Another member has been given an opportunity to present their product in front of a Major financial institution, which could ripple effect into further referrals from within the same organisation.
  • A strong referral worth around $13,000 was passed from one member to another (different chapters)

I have already begun the planning stages to make next years Big Breakfast bigger and better.
When would you like a BNI Big Breakfast event in your region?

"You were born to win, but to be a winner you must plan to win, prepare to win, and expect to win." - Zig Ziglar

8 Key MUST DO'S for Consumers

A few weeks ago was "International Customer Service Week, and the identification of your Value Proposition in business, ....below are some cues that may assist you clarify them more distinctly.
Eight key factors that B2C consumers report, in order of importance, define their customer experience:

HELPFULNESS: Are they really prepared to help me. Is nothing really too much trouble for their staff?
VALUE FOR TIME: Do they respect and make efficient use of my time?
RECOGNITION: When I contact them, do they recognise and acknowledge me as an individual?
PROMISE FULFILMENT: Do they keep the promises they made to me?
PROBLEM SOLVING: Do staff take ownership of my problems and try to resolve the situation?
PERSONALISATION: Do they take the trouble to know me and personalise the service to me?COMPETENCE: Do I feel their people really know what they are doing?
ACCESS: Is it easy for me to reach an appropriate person or facility?

How would you rate your chapter if you were a visitor?

One good customer well taken care of could be more valuable than $10,000 worth of advertising! - Jim Rohn

Top 8 chapters close $7.5 Million in 6 months

The chart below shows the closed business $ amounts of 8 chapters from (1st January to 1st October) 2007. Interestingly enough the highest $ value per member comes from 18 members in the BNI Overdrive chapter who clearly understand the (Napoleon Hill's Success Scroll No.2 - Mastermind Alliance). That's when a group of individuals all pull together to move in the same direction to achieve a common goal that could not be achieved individually.

# Chapter Location Members $ Amount $ Per Mbr

1 Riverview Taree (NSW) 34 353,203.00 $10,388.32
2 Derwent Hobart (Tas) 39 815,000.00 $20,897.44
3 Civic Newcastle (NSW) 24 533,879.00 $22,244.96
4 Central Wollongong (NSW) 26 759,449.00 $29,209.58
5 Lomond Launceston (Tas) 16 721,000.00 $45,062.50
6 Surfside Dee Why (NSW) 35 1,834,661.00 $52,418.89
7 Trident Fortitude Valley Qld 21 1,164,411.00 $55,448.14
8 Overdrive Mt Lawley (WA) 18 1,339,988.00 $74,443.78
TOTAL 213 $7,521,591.00 $35,312.63

NB: Represents closed business recorded in the 1st year of system operations. Estimates of total Australian business for year are $50 Million and the 2008 estimates are closer to $150 Million as more chapters begin to record the closed business for their chapter.

Do you track closed business?

Continuing the theme, the importance of thanking your referrals sources. In BNI one of the ways is to use the "Closed Business Form" however some people ask "What $ amount do I write on the form? There are many different businesses within BNI and many different sales, here are 3 examples.
  1. A pool gets a referral to build a pool worth $15,000, then closed business would be $15,000
  2. A mortgage broker gets a referral for a home worth $450,000, but the sale to their business is only $4,000, then the closed business is $4,000
  3. A cleaning company gets a referral for a 12 month cleaning contract worth $500 a month, then the closed business is $6,000. This can be either 1x$6,000 or 12x$500 it all the same.

The important thing is to write them out which will thank the person who referred you!

Life is not about the amount of breath's you take, but rather the amount of moments that take your breath away! - Will Smith

Do you say "Thank you" to your referral partners?

One of the easiest way to get people to refer you more business is to say "Thank you" It will also go along way to compelling them to do it again, hence the "Closed Business Form" was created, however it has many other purposes and here are just a few.
  1. Filling in the form helps you track who understands your business and how much new business you have earned thru BNI.
  2. It informs the other members who is active in their participation and ensure that they get the acknowledgement from the chapter they deserve.
  3. Leadership teams can then track the conversion rate between referral and closed business and work out strategies to improve the conversion rates
  4. Visitors see that BNI program works - New Business is created. A very powerful tool if you want to increase your chapter size.

Filling in a closed business slip is simple and anonymous. Are you thanking your referral team and given them an incentive to refer you again?

What it Takes to be #1

What it takes to be number one

  • Commitment
  • Truth
  • Excellence
  • Results
  • Passion
  • Habit
  • Mental toughness
  • Discipline

All of the above are needed to make a team of champions. Which one do you bring to your meeting..... Click here and learn how one man inspired so many.

To be number one, you must first see it in your mind!

Sunday, February 01, 2009

Are You a Team Player?

Compare your BNI Chapter to your favourite sporting team and imagine that you are a player in that team. What do you think would be the expectations of the other players so that you held onto your spot in that team? From my perspective they would be.....
  1. Knowing the rules of the game.
  2. Constantly striving to improve.
  3. Updating your own skills.
  4. Attending training every time it was offered.
  5. Getting to know your team mates and their skills.
  6. Contributing to the team's winning performance.

Your BNI weekly meeting is NOT the game, it is just part of the training. Nor are the Dance Cards or any other aspect of the programme, they are simply the training. Every waking moment IS the game. So how do you rate as a professional in this big league Word of Mouth game? When your contract is up, will you be offered a new one or will the team be saying we want someone with more commitment.

Wish you had! or Glad you did! - Tim Callcott (Icon Business Advisor).

The third type of referral is "The Sitter"

Continuing with the theme from last post where I gave you great advice about finding qualified referrals, the third way is "The Sitter" That is the referral that comes to you. You are literally sitting at your desk and the phone rings. The person at the other end asks if you can refer them to someone who can help them. This is the easiest to find, (after the initial groundwork has been done) and the most successful. The key ingredient is an ongoing programme of promoting yourself and your business. You become a referral gatekeeper, the hub of your network. I use my email signature as a source for referrals. I actively promote another person each month ahead of myself to inform my contacts that I know many people from a variety of backgrounds. Here are 9 other ways you can go about successful self promotion.
  1. Put the BNI logo on your business cards
  2. Ask for referrals when you send out an invoice or letters
  3. Mention your network in your newsletter/mail out/flyers or general advertising
  4. Tell your colleagues, employees and suppliers about your network
  5. Carry your BNI Card file with you and use it at every opportunity possible
  6. Place a BNI sign at your business premises
  7. Wear your BNI Label pin all the time
  8. On your letter head promote your referral business partners
  9. Purchase the BNI Display board for your office promoting the cards of your network.

"You must get good at one of two things: planting in the spring or begging in the fall" -Jim Rohn. Sounds a lot like "Givers Gain", if you want to receive you must first learn how to give.

The second type of referral is "The Solution Referral"

The second way to find qualified referrals is "The Solution Referral". That is when a referral comes to you as a result of a conversation with a prospect. A complaint about goods or services from current suppliers, an expression of need or a comment about a problem can all be developed into solution referrals. The key ingredient is a thorough knowledge of the goods and services provided by members of your network and your ability to cite real examples.

You will receive more referrals when members know these things about your business. Turning up to your meeting is your opportunity to start this process, however dance cards and the 10 minute presentations is the best way to facilitate this knowledge. So the question is can you cite examples of solution referrals for your fellow members or better yet can they cite examples of solutions you can provide for people they meet.

"When you find out someone's WHY, the HOW is easy" - Robert Kiyosaki.