Friday, October 09, 2009

Negative Feedback - Do you REACT or Listen & Process

Last week I received the worst negative feedback I have not only ever received but ever read. Can I say this - anyone can unsubscribe from my newsletter any time they wish - choice is wonderful and I am OK with your decisions.

My reaction to the email made me wonder - How do we or should we process feedback. My first reaction caused me upset and I was going to react with a response that I am positive I would have regretted later but then I thought about it. This person did me a huge favor, you see many people don't see my vision the way I do "To passionately inspire people to get 100% of their business thru BNI" and I am OK with that. What I realised was that someone elses negative feedback shouldn't take away my focus on the goals that are important to me. I will take onboard the feedback and give it the time it desrves, but I am choosing not to REACT to the whim's of others, just to listen, process and stay on target. How are you goals going? Are you on target or do you let other people throw you curve balls and REACT away from your prize?

I am currently organising an event (see below) that applies all the BNI principle into one FANTASTIC event where participating attendee's can create business on the spot. I hope to see you there as this event is open to everyone looking for extra business.

For details on how you can attend the biggest NETWORKING EVENT EVER click the event.
Sydney event - Tuesday 10th November ONLY 31 days to go
N'cstle/Cent. Coast event - Thursday 12th November ONLY 33 days to go

"I have never let my schooling interfere with my education."Writer, Mark Twain

Your action for today is to try something new and see what you learn from it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey Glenn

Thanks for your transparency. It is the sign of a true leader. I totally agree with your thoughts. I too had a situation last week where I REACTED rather than RESPONDING to someone who gave me uninvited grief. I was so glad I went back to that person later in the day to appologise for the way I reacted. This led them to respond with an apology for what they realised was all their fault.

We live, learn and grow every day.

Cheers mate

Grant Herbert
The People Builder