Saturday, October 03, 2009

Act like a HOST vs being a VISITOR

Have you ever noticed how people who organised or run events know everyone attending. Thats because they make it their responsibility too.

Your task this week is to change your responsibility by changing your thinking and adopting a host mentality at the next networking event you attend. Turn up early and meet the people in charge. People who run events love it when people offer to help, so learn the layout and flow of the event. Find out who is expected to attend. Make it your purpose to help others with introductions, even set yourself a goal of introducing at least three people to someone they don't know. The law of reciprocity will kick in, and in the long run you will reap the benefits.

For details on how you can attend the biggest NETWORKING EVENT EVER click the event.
Sydney Big Breakfast - Tuesday 10th November
Newcastle/Central Coast Big Breakfast - Thursday 12th November

"I have never let my schooling interfere with my education." Writer, Mark Twain

Your action for today is to try something new and see what you learn from it.

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