Monday, February 02, 2009

Networking is a VERB not a NOUN

A verb, as described, by my primary school teacher, is an action word. A noun is an object or thing. That means that in order to network you must take action ... do stuff ... not just show up at things and be seen. If you go to a chamber meeting and just "be there" then you are a noun ... you are just an object. Do yourself and everyone else a favour and go home, stop waisting your money and the other members time. If you go and actually participate and make things happen ... you are now taking action ... you're a verb.

You are not going to find any form of marketing more important and probably more effective than word-of-mouth marketing (WOMM), in the next 12 to 24 months. That means that no matter what type of marketing campaigns you are doing they will be 5 to 10 times more effective if you are supplementing them with strategic WOMM and networking.

If you are a BNI Member you have an advantage over every other business out here, especially your competitors (unless, of course, they are also members of BNI). You have a group of like-minded people who believe in the development of relationship marketing and sales and practice the Givers Gain philosophy. Your networking is multiplied by the amount of members in your chapter. There is no recesssion for you ... so go take action ... go BE A VERB!

"Whenever you are asked if you can do a job, tell em, 'Certainly I can' - and get busy and find out how to do it." - Theodore Roosevelt

Your action for today is to volunteer for a job or project.

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