Sunday, February 01, 2009

Are you training your TEAM?

I am often told by my support team of directors that nobody understands or cares about your business as much as you do, so you need to put it into layman's terms so people can understand.

As a BNI member you need to make it easy for people to understand how to find you that referral. Each week you have one minute to educate your team. Do you give team a little nugget of information on how to find you business? or do you stand up and wing it each week. From my experience I can tell you that you will get better results if you plan how you are training your team and every once in a while, find out how much they know. Ask them for feed back on your "Sales Manager Minute" and then educate them on the parts they are missing. Find out what challenges they may be having in finding you referrals and them give them a solution as you are the expert in your field you will know how to best help them. Above all make it easy for them to understand.

"No man can become a permanent success without taking others along with him."- Napoleon Hill

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