Monday, February 02, 2009

Make your 2009 GOALS reality - Tell your team!

The other night, we had a little Holiday recognition party for a couple of our team members. Towards the end of party we did a very simple exercise that had left each of us with a great feeling for 2009. We gave each person a notepad and pen. We asked each person to write down 3 things they would like to do or have in 2009 (that they don't currently have). We gave everyone a few minutes and then we went around the room and had each person share their list with the rest of the group. This is such an important exercise. So much of motivation comes from having something compelling and fun to look forward to. Your dreams should stretch you.

I have found that if you have something you plan on DOING in 2009, it helps to put it on the calendar and then start doing things each week that will bring you closer to achieving it. For example, I had never taken my family on an overseas ski trip. I have talked about it year after year for 8 years. Finally I just put it on my calendar and made a small down payment on it. Over the next 10 months, I will make a few more payments and in no time, I will be skiing down the slopes of Japan with my family. If you have a dream to take a trip, do a mission, take a class, learn a skill, there is no better time than now to schedule it. Make your reasons to do it more important than your excuses not to. There are always obstacles to having what you want. Make your obstacles small and your dreams big.

So TODAY, spend a few minutes to write out your dreams for 2009 and begin to make them reality.

"It is not impossibilities which fill us with the deepest despair, but possibilities which we have failed to realise." - Writer and Poet, Robert Mallet

Your action for today is to look at your "someday I will do list," select an item and do something today to set it in motion.

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