Monday, February 02, 2009

Do you track closed business?

Continuing the theme, the importance of thanking your referrals sources. In BNI one of the ways is to use the "Closed Business Form" however some people ask "What $ amount do I write on the form? There are many different businesses within BNI and many different sales, here are 3 examples.
  1. A pool gets a referral to build a pool worth $15,000, then closed business would be $15,000
  2. A mortgage broker gets a referral for a home worth $450,000, but the sale to their business is only $4,000, then the closed business is $4,000
  3. A cleaning company gets a referral for a 12 month cleaning contract worth $500 a month, then the closed business is $6,000. This can be either 1x$6,000 or 12x$500 it all the same.

The important thing is to write them out which will thank the person who referred you!

Life is not about the amount of breath's you take, but rather the amount of moments that take your breath away! - Will Smith

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