Sunday, February 01, 2009

Are You a Team Player?

Compare your BNI Chapter to your favourite sporting team and imagine that you are a player in that team. What do you think would be the expectations of the other players so that you held onto your spot in that team? From my perspective they would be.....
  1. Knowing the rules of the game.
  2. Constantly striving to improve.
  3. Updating your own skills.
  4. Attending training every time it was offered.
  5. Getting to know your team mates and their skills.
  6. Contributing to the team's winning performance.

Your BNI weekly meeting is NOT the game, it is just part of the training. Nor are the Dance Cards or any other aspect of the programme, they are simply the training. Every waking moment IS the game. So how do you rate as a professional in this big league Word of Mouth game? When your contract is up, will you be offered a new one or will the team be saying we want someone with more commitment.

Wish you had! or Glad you did! - Tim Callcott (Icon Business Advisor).

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